*Images by Trish Carney, Gina Farr, Maggie Rufo, Loretta Farley and under the wiki creative commons license (spotlight on species image by christopher bruno). Thank you for supporting our creative partners.
conversations with interesting people...
First People Meet Loretta Farley,
field ranger and Native
American cultural inter-
preter at Point Reyes
National Seashorein
California. Listen to the
story of Kule Loklo and
how we might use
native wisdom.
Capturing the Wilds Meet Trish Carney, wildlife photographer
and contributing visual
artist to Coyote Dreams.
Trish shares her secrets
for capturing wildlife on
film, her thoughts about
sharing our world with
wildlife and a story from
one of her many fine
outdoor adventures.
Natural Music Meet Albert Tenaya, composer, musician
and descendent of the
last chief of Yosemite,
Chief Tenaya. Listen to
Albert's personal story
of creating from
the heart and hear his
inspiration for the beautiful
flute song featured in
Coyote Dreams.
Story as Teacher Meet John Littleton,
teacher, cultural anthro-
pologist and storyteller.
Listen to the value of
story and how it can
quickly create meaning,
convey values and
inspire action.
extras videos and more ...
Coyote Creates People Listen to teacher and
anthropologist John
Littleton tell a traditional
Native American creation
story starring coyote.
Hummingbird Brings Fire John Littleton tells a
Native American female
empowerment story.
Listen to how hummingbird
courageously steals fire
for the first people.
Clapper Sticks John Littleton
introduces a clapper
stick, used by Miwok,
Pomo and other
California indians
to accompany story,
song and dance.
Pomo Songs Edward Willie, Native
American artist and
traditional performer
sings three typical
Pomo dance songs.
storyboard my script...
To view my original storyboard, please right-click the bird note and "save as..."
Add the file to iTunes to view on your video-enabled mobile device.